I was contemplating what title to use for my first blog post. I created and deleted a lot of them to finally land on hello world (ironically that was the default title WordPress offered me to start with. I thought to my self: What a cliche classic.
Turns out it is not so. The word cliche if googled means “a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought”. And it is the second part of that definition that made me reconsider. Hello, World has not lost its original thought, it symbolizes ones opening to a new thing, new audience, new experiences.
And this is exactly what I recently did, I switched my job where I was for 10 years, I switched industry and entered the unknown waters of healthcare, I started a new adventure and a new journey that will hopefully lead to greatness.
So in this blog, I will share my experiences, my challenges, and my learnings. There will be no competitive information here, no company secrets, no names, and no marketing. It will be the journey of a person trying to transform a business and my experiences along the way.
I am hoping that my journal of self-reflection will help others on their own journeys, recognize and relate to my writings and I hope it will give them some help on what worked and what did not work for me.
So Hello World, here i come.
This blog represents my personal experiences and opinion. It does not represent my company or any other organization, nor does it represent their values and/or culture.
Please keep the comments civilized and than you for taking the time to visit my digital home.